The name of the Church is: __________________________________________________________________
The location of the Church is:_________________________________________________________________
The Church has been set forth as a religious non-profit organization for the purpose of propagating the Gospel
of Jesus Christ to engage in religious, charitable and educational work.
All properties of this Church will be held by the Church and not individually owned and shall be irrevocably devoted
to the Church work.
This Church does and always will have officers, including a secretary and treasurer.
An annual business meeting will be held and an official member of the Church shall keep accurate records of all
business meetings and financial matters pertaining to the Church.
No part of the net income of this Church shall inure to the benefit of any private individual member.
In the event of dissolution, the following provisions are made:
(1) All material and financail assers of this Church shall be assigned to a religious Church/Organization
which is recognized by the United States Internal Revenue as having tax-exempt status.
(2) Under no circumstances will the assets of this Church accure to the personal benefit of any individual
This Church shall be affiliated with Gospel Ministers & Churches International.
Accepted by the Church this _________day of________________20______
Official_________________________________________________ Signature required for each position