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Glendale, AZ 85311



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$80 iNDIVIDUAL - H/W $120


Ames International School of Ministry 

Beliefs / Ethics

We ask that all who would consider ministerial affiliation with GMCI believe in and adhere to our Statement of Faith and Ministerial Code of Ethics.

Statement of Faith
Partial Listing


1. The Bible is the inspired written Word of God, written by Holy men as they were led by the Spirit of God. It is infallible and the final authority in all that is said or done.

2. That there is but one true and living God, manifested as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

3. That the Lord Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary and was God manifested in the flesh. He was crucified on the cross for the atonement of all mankind, resurrected from the dead, ascended back to Heaven and now lives in the hearts of those that accept Him as Savior.

4. That water baptism by immersion after conversion according to the Apostles Doctrine is in obedience to our Lord.

5. In the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Spirit and that the power, gifts and demonstrations of the first church are still active today.

6. That Christians must live a clean moral life as shown by the word of God and that there is a going on to perfection.

7. The marriage unit is made up of one man and one woman

8. That God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engages in outside of a marriage between a man and woman and we believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are sin against God's gift of sex.

9. That God disapproves of and forbids any attempt to alter one's gender by surgery or appearance.

10. In the literal second coming of Christ and the eternal Kingdom of God.

Code of Ethics

It is a requirement that every member of GMCI
accept and adhere to the following ministerial ethics:

Each member has a right to their own style and personality as they follow Christ.

To conduct ones affairs in morals, finances, and business relations with a high degree of Christian integrity.

To maintain a teachable spirit towards the other leaders of the Fellowship.

To speak in a respectful and edifying manner where other members of the Fellowship are concerned.

To abstain, directly or indirectly, in any issue that would cause a church split.

To not sow seeds of discord among the body by gossip, rumors and opinionated criticism.

To abstain from the consumption or use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs.

To pursue a Christian relationship with other members of the Fellowship.

To respect the rights of others and allow them to be different, as long as their actions comply with the written Word of God.

To support and give your loyalty to any pastor under which you may serve.

To deal justly as the Scriptures command concerning all areas of fellowship, relationships, unity and brotherly love.

To follow the procedure as commanded in the Scriptures when faced with a brother or sister who is in violation of these ethics or any other Biblical moral standard.

To agree to adhere to our Statement of Faith, Ministerial Ethics and By-Laws.

Violation of the above listed ethics could result in termination of membership. It is our belief that a Minister of the Gospel of Christ should conduct themselves in all things as an example of a follower of Christ.

GMCI believes that the homosexual lifestyle
is contrary to scripture and is not acceptable to God.

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    Mailing Address
    Post Office Box 2557
    Glendale, Arizona


    GMCI provides both apostolic spiritual covering and tax exemption status to those churches  that qualify. In addition GMCI provides a fellowship for both the seasoned minister and that one just beginning their calling in God. GMCI is a full gospel organization for independent ministers providing Ordination, General License, Commissioned Minister and Exhorter/Christian Workers License. Mentoring, prayer support, missions projects, short term mission trips, networking and opportunities for fellowship are available.

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